Monday, January 15, 2018

The Two Words that Say Everything

I know.  Brave title...

After I wrote Love is Not Fair, I found myself pondering the same question many of you wrote to me, in comments and privately: now what?

It's a good question, a fair question.  If love isn't fair but we want to be loving people who receive love and give love, do we live life in continuous frustration?  Anger even?  This doesn't seem tenable.  Indeed it is not.

So... what then?  How do we love, really love, and stay sane?  Every relationship seems to be a dance of grace and missteps, a ledger of debits and credits, the metaphors go on and on, but the idea remains consistent: it's simply not going to be fair.  It's not going to always balance out.

What do we do with the often painful gap between expectation and experience?