Monday, February 18, 2019

To the Baby of the Family: Build Your Fire

I'm the youngest of four.

She never would have admitted it, but I was my mother's favorite.  She didn't love me more than my sisters; that's not what made me her favorite.

She doted on me more.

I was treated like - and therefore acted like - a baby.

And then I became an adult.

It's a strange experience: being a baby inside a woman's body...

Monday, February 11, 2019

A Grilled Cheese Sandwich Can Save a Relationship

I love grilled cheese.  

It's the sandwich equivalent of wrapping myself in a warm robe.

Temperature and texture are everything.

Have you ever taken a bite out of a grilled cheese, and the cheese wasn't fully melted?  


Or the bread and the cheese aren't aligned so some bites are too cheesy and some bites are too bready?  


But when it's right, it's all the best things in one sandwich... warm, toasty bread, melted butter, ooey-gooey cheese. Yes, please!

We want things to be just right because we crave the settling, safe feeling of satisfaction.

Damp clothes that haven't finished drying...
Room temperature soup...
A skipping record... 


I had an exchange this weekend that has lingered over into my Monday morning coffee... 

In our relationships, what truly satisfies us???

Monday, February 4, 2019

I Forgive You... Again

The book of Matthew recounts a story of Peter asking Jesus for His thoughts about forgiveness... 

"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?"

Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

I can appreciate Peter here. We all like to know what's required so we can pace ourselves, don't we? 

I run, and knowing how far I'm going to run on any given day gives me a sense of control. I can wrap my mind around what's coming if I know what's coming... 

But Jesus' response is a little like asking your running partner, "How far are we going? Three miles?"  

And they respond with, "No, let's shoot for fifty."


There's a cup of coffee in front of me, piping hot and sinfully creamy, not too sweet. Just how I like it.  

Let the contemplation begin...