Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"I'll Be There For You"

We mean well, don't we?

We see one another struggle, and our hearts hurt.  We see friends make what might be mistakes with substantial consequences, and we wince.  This is at the heart of empathy - hurting for another's pain.  In moments of crisis or confusion, we might get that phone call or text:

Are you available?  I need you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I dread Halloween.

Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE the kids.  I love their seeing imaginations at work in their costumes.  Or their mothers' imaginations... no matter.  Little ones dressed as elephants or gumball machines are impossibly cute either way.  Their high-pitched "trick-or-treats," their pillowcase candy sacks.  I love it all.

It's the adult version of Halloween that I dread.

Monday, August 20, 2012

You and Me and We

Several years ago, I went to a meeting for Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACoA).

Friday, August 10, 2012


For the past three years, I've been working as a personal trainer.  Sure, I love fitness and am committed to each and every client I train, but lifting weights and constructing workout plans isn't my passion.

Human growth is.

My clients (God bless them) know that working with me isn't always about their physical bodies. Yes, I can kick some tail.  I know how to help people find the shape of their bodies for the first time in their lives, no matter what their age.  I watched a young woman go from obesity to a 5K.  I watched a 76 year old man transition from a sedentary life of overeating and television to walking an 11 mile trail for fun on his birthday, just because he can now.  This work is filled with triumph and disappointment, and I'm there for both on any given day, whether the number on the scale goes up or down...

But the real work I do with my clients is much deeper than calorie counts, body fat percentages, and proper form.

It's the inside stuff.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Born Identity

As many of you know, I’m in graduate school earning a masters in counseling.  I’m loving (almost) every minute of this season in my life, but I must say that it’s not entirely what I expected. 

I expected psychology and am getting a lot of it.  History, theory, application, research, counseling techniques.  I expected an in depth exploration and analysis of the human psyche, complete with a richer understanding of emotional patterns reflecting in healthy or unhealthy relationships.  Expectations met!  I expected to consider and understand the human animal more clearly, more compassionately, more powerfully.  Yes, yes, and yes!

I didn’t, however, take into account that I am also a member of this human race.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Bag


She blinked.  Another day.  She winced as she slowly sat up.  Her body hurt from sleeping on hard places.  Still a young woman, she was starting to feel old.  She glanced around her to see if anyone was watching then pulled two rolls out of her coat pocket and ate them in silence.  The sounds of hunger ceased.  The first rays of light reached her cheeks and feeling their faraway warmth, she shivered.  Standing up, she hoisted the Bag over her shoulder and shuffled out of the alley.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rest 'n Peace

I remember a time in my 20s when I passed out cold in the middle of a meeting.

I was working somewhere between 60-70 hours a week, forgetting to eat, drinking lots of caffeine to keep me going, and ignoring all kinds of physical signs that my body was reaching a breaking point.  A very patient internist gave me a crash course on physical health after I'd come back to consciousness:

The body is made up of several systems: digestive, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, immune, skeletal, muscular, etc.  When one system is taxed, the others will compensate.  When all are overly taxed, the body starts shutting down.

That's the state I was in. EXHAUSTION.  SHUTTING DOWN.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Trying on Different Hats

Brief thoughts today... "The Female Animal" wasn't sitting well with me.  I started this blog at a time in my life when I was very humanistic, very in touch with my primitive side.  Hence the title.  But it's not me. 

All my life I've been searching for truth.  I seek it in relationships, in moments of time, in God and His revelation of Himself to me.  "Out of the Grey" represents what I try to do every day and the theme of my life.  Keep pushing through in search of truth, in search of pearls of wisdom.  Every once in a while, I find one ;)

So I beg your patience while I work out the title.  Who knows, in one week I'll name it "Bibby's Peanuts."  I don't know.  But this questioning and changing and finding the right fit is... coming out of the grey.  You get it. 

Thanks for your patience!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Out of the Grey

In two days I'll celebrate one year of walking with God.  I feel embarrassed that it's only been one year.  I was raised in the Seventh Day Adventist church from birth until age 17 and then did a stint in a radically fundamentalist (and otherwise very strange) church in New York for most of college and a few years after, so you would think I'd have some kind of track record in the faith by this point.  But I don't.  Those were not years of knowing God  but rather knowing about God.  I look back and see how He was trying to break through to me... through loving, compassionate people, through music.  I can remember moments of genuine Spiritual insight and perhaps a tingling of His presence, but it seems His gentle voice was consistently engulfed and drowned out by lists of things to do, people watching my every move, and the weekly schedule of services, meetings, and requirements.  I left the church and God  in May of 2003, and "walked in the grey" for eight long years.